2nd Arctic Biodiversity Congress

9 octubre 2018 - 11 octubre 2018

Join the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council, and the Ministry of the Environment, Finland as they host the 2nd Arctic Biodiversity Congress.

The 2nd Arctic Biodiversity Congress will build on the success of the first Congress, held in 2014, and will bring together scientists, policy-makers, government officials, Indigenous representatives, Traditional Knowledge holders, industry, non-governmental organizations and others to promote the conservation and sustainable use of Arctic biodiversity.

The following goals have been outlined for the Congress, and are intended to guide the structure and contents of the program.

  • To consider the Arctic and how it fares in relation to the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • To facilitate inter-disciplinary discussion, action and status updates on Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) recommendations and subsequent implementation actions among scientists, government officials, policy makers, traditional knowledge holders, indigenous peoples and industry representatives.
  • To provide scientific, indigenous, policy, NGO, academia and industry audiences the opportunity to collaborate around the themes of the ABA and its implementation.
  • To share experiences in national and international implementation of the ABA recommendations and to advise CAFF on any changes to future phases of the Actions for Arctic Biodiversity implementation plan.
  • To highlight the work of CAFF and the Arctic Council in the fields of international environmental science and policy, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development.
  • To mainstream biodiversity and ecosystem services ensuring that the recommendations and implementation of the ABA are implemented by not just government, but many organizations and peoples, and across sectors.

A first call for program content is expected in October 2017.

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